Privacy policy

Thank you for using Montrify!

Our mission is to bring together retailers and his clients. To do that, we show you personalized content and ads we think you’ll be interested in based only on the information we collect from you. We only use that information where we have a proper legal basis for doing so.

We collect information in a few different ways :

1. When you give it to us or permit us to obtain it

When you sign up for or use Montrify you voluntarily share certain information including your name, email address and comments. You can also choose to share your precise location using your device settings. You can use Montrify without given this information, however, some of the system functionalities will be blocked to you. We will still use your IP address, which is used to approximate your location, i.e. country and city, even if you don't choose to share your precise location. You will also have the option to share other information about yourself such as your gender, age and preferred language.

If you connect your Pinterest account to Montrify, we use information from those accounts (such as your friends or contacts) to improve Montrify recommendation system. Helping suggests retailers on your location.

2. We also get technical information when you use Montrify

When you use a website, mobile application or other internet services, certain internet and electronic network activity information gets created and logged automatically. This is also true when you use Montrify. Here are some of the types of information we collect:

◦ Log data. When you use Montrify, our servers record information (“log data”), including information that your browser automatically sends whenever you visit a website, or that your mobile app automatically sends when you’re using it. This log data includes your Internet Protocol address (which we use to infer your approximate location), the date and time of your request, how you used Pinterest, cookie data and device data. You can learn more about the log data we collect here.

◦ Cookie data. We also use “cookies” (small text files sent by your computer each time you visit our website, unique to your Pinterest account or your browser) or similar technologies to get log data. When we use cookies or other similar technologies, we use session cookies (that last until you close your browser) or persistent cookies (that last until you or your browser delete them). For example, we use cookies to store your language preferences or other settings so you don‘t have to set them up every time you visit Montrify. Some of the cookies we use are associated with your Montrify account (including information about you, such as the email address you gave us) and other cookies are not. For more detailed information about how we use cookies, please review our Cookie Policy.

◦ Device information. In addition to log data, we collect information about the device you’re using Montrify on, including the type of device, operating system, settings, unique device identifiers and crash data that helps us understand when something breaks.

◦ Clickstream data and inferences. When you’re on Montrify, we use your activity—such as which Products you click on to make inferences about you and your preferences. For example, if you click on beads from diferent shops on our ares, we may infer you are inteted to buy a bead, and use with information to sugest retailers and products.

3. Our partners and advertisers share information with us

We do not get information about you and your activity outside Montrify from affiliates, advertisers, partners or other third parties we work with.

What we do with the info we collect

We’re committed to showing you content deployed by retailers on our area that’s relevant, interesting and personal to you. To do that, we use your information to provide and improve your experience, including:

◦ Identify you when you use Montrify.

◦ Recommend products and stores. For example, if we see you’re remodelling your home, we may suggest decore stores near your location, with products related to your previews searches.

◦ Respond to your questions or comments.

We have a legitimate interest for using your info in these ways. It's fundamental to what we do at Montrify and necessary to make Montrify and its features relevant and personalized to you.

We also have a legitimate interest in making Montrify safe. We all benefit when we use your information to:

▪ Suggest other people who have similar interests. For example, if you are interested in decore shops, we may suggest the products you liked, to users with similar profiles.

◦ Work with law enforcement and keep Pinterest safe. We may get requests for account information from law enforcement authorities like the police or courts. To find out more about how we respond to law enforcement requests, please see our Law Enforcement Guidelines.

◦ Review your messages on Montrify to detect activity that poses a risk to the safety of you, our community and/or members of the public.

◦ Improve Montrify and offer new features.

◦ Send you updates (such as when certain activity, like promotions, happens on Montrify stores) and news by email or push notification, depending on your settings. For example, we send weekly updates on products you may like. You can decide to stop getting these notifications by updating your settings.

We have a legitimate interest in delivering ads that are relevant, interesting and personal to you to publicise our clients' stores. However, those ads are only shown if you request them. On Montrify dashboards we only show brands registered by the client. However, when required the system can suggest products on other stores. To further these interests we use the information we collect to:

◦ Decide which ads to show you. For example, if you show any interest in camping tents on Montrify, we may show you ads for other outdoor products. We customize the ad content we show you by identifying your interests based on your onsite activities. We don’t use cookies to identify your offsite interests.

◦ Tell our clients how their product ads are doing, and how to make them better. This information is aggregated. For example, we would report to a client that a certain percentage of people who viewed a product A also sow product B.

In addition to the specific circumstances above, we’ll only use your information with your consent to:

◦ Send you marketing materials by email, text, push notification or phone call depending on your account or operating system settings. Each time we send you marketing materials, we give you the option to unsubscribe.

◦ Identify your precise location and customize the content we show you. For example, showing you the list of retailers near you. You can opt into this in your device operating system settings.

We’ll also rely on your consent where we use cookies to:

◦ Identify you across different browser sessions. This means if you log into Mpntrify from your phone (or any device), we'll remember that you're you and then you won't need to enter your login details each time you visit Montrify.

To find out more about how we use cookies, and your choices about how we use them, please see our Cookie Policy.

Transferring your information

• Montrify is a worldwide service. By using our products or services, you authorize us to transfer and store your information outside your home country, including in the United States, for the purposes described in this policy. The privacy protections and the rights of authorities to access your personal information in such countries may not be equivalent to those of your home country.

See the section for EEA Residents to learn more about data transfers to and from that region. Choices you have about your info

• Our goal is to give you simple and meaningful choices regarding your information. If you have a Montrify account, many of these controls are built directly into Montrify or your settings. For example, you can:

◦ Link or unlink your Montrify account from other services (like Pinterest).

◦ Close your account at any time. When you close your account, we’ll deactivate it, remove your Pins and boards from Montrify and delete your account data.

You also have choices available to you through the device or software you use to access Pinterest. For example:

◦ The browser you use lets you control cookies or other types of local data storage.

◦ Your mobile device lets you choose how and whether your precise location, photos, contacts and other data is shared with us.

To learn more about these choices, please see the information provided by your device or software provider.

How and when we share information

• Anyone can see your Montrify board. However you can share yours Montrify board content using social media channels. We also share your information with:

◦ Law enforcement agencies or government agencies. We only share information if we believe that disclosure is reasonably necessary to comply with a law, regulation or legal request; to protect the safety, rights, or property of the public, any person, or Montrify; or to detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues.

How long we keep your information

• We keep your information only so long as we need it to provide Montrify to you and fulfill the purposes described in this policy. This is also the case for anyone that we share your information with and who carries out services on our behalf. When we no longer need to use your information and there is no need for us to keep it to comply with our legal or regulatory obligations, we’ll either remove it from our systems or depersonalize it so that we can't identify you.

Our policy on children’s information

• Children under 13 are not allowed to use Montrify. If you are based in the EEA you may only use Montrify if you are over the age at which you can provide consent to data processing under the laws of your country. If you are a parent and you learn that your child is using Montrify and you don't want them to, please contact us.

Your options

• You have options in relation to the information that we have about you. To exercise these options, please contact us. Your options are:

◦ Request access to the information we hold about you. We'll usually share this with you within 30 days of you asking us for it.

◦ Have your information corrected or deleted. You can update your information in your profile or delete your data by closing your account. If you have problems updating the information or closing your account, contact us.

◦ Object to us processing your information. You can ask us to stop using your information, including when we use your information to send you marketing emails or push notifications. If you opt out of receiving marketing messages from us, we may still send you updates about your account, such as when a retailer replays one conversation started by you.

◦ Request more details about the information we collect and how and why we use and share it.

We will not discriminate against you if you choose to exercise your options related to your personal information. We work to be clear with you about your options and the consequences of exercising certain options. If you have questions, please contact us.

The Montrify APP

• Types of Data collected by Montrify APP.

◦ Among the types of Personal Data that this Application collects there are: Storage and Camera permission.

◦ Storage access permission or Camere access permission is requested depending on the User profile.

• Mode and place of processing the Personal Data

◦ takes appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, modification, or unauthorized destruction of the Data.

◦ The Data processing is carried out using computers and/or IT enabled tools, following organizational procedures and modes strictly related to the purposes indicated.

◦ In addition to, in some cases, the Data may be accessible to certain types of persons in charge, involved with the operation of this Application (administration, marketing, legal, system administration), if necessary, as Data Processors by the Owner.

• Device Storage Data access permission

◦ Montrify APP requests certain permissions that allow it to access the retailers device Storage to upload product images.

◦ Upload images are always selected by the User. Those images are assumed to be product related.

◦ By default, these permissions must be granted by the request before the respective information can be accessed.

◦ Once the permission has been given, it can be revoked by the User at any time. To revoke these permissions, Users may refer to the device settings or contact Montrify for support at the contact details provided.

◦ This Montrify APP requests certain permissions that allow it to access the retailers' device Storage to upload product images.

◦ Please note that the revoking of such permissions might impact the proper functioning of this Application.

◦ If the User grants Storage Data access permission, the User can update the store stock with images stored on the device.

• Device Camera access permission

◦ It is used to capturing QR-codes by shoppers from the device.

◦ The camera only usage is to capture QR-code images. Its use isn't mandatory.

◦ Those QR-codes are used by shoppers to subscribe to retailers product fee

◦ Once the permission has been given, it can be revoked by the User at any time. To revoke these permissions, Users may refer to the device settings or contact Montrify for support at the contact details provided.

Contact us

• The best way to get in touch with us or to exercise your options described above is through the Help Center.

Effective Date Out 5, 2021